Thursday, April 9, 2009

Politics at GV

Joyce did opening, I did mid shift. I was playing with roushen, cause she never do her closing properly, together with the other people la. Then we bully her, tell her must help candy bar, because candy bar was quite empty, Joyce have her own personal matters. Then left me alone at candy bar, pack nachos, top up, pack nuts, stocks came in, arrange stocks, damm a lot to do sia. Then i told roushen, I will revenge her for giving me a hard time today. Then next thing i knew was Mardiana cried! Because she was the one doing stock take yesterday! And it sounds like i blaming on her i suppose. But i swear i dun mean it, really felt gulity sia. But ended up, she say it wasn't because of me, its because, she kena backstab by the Gv small gang, which is also her closest friends in GV.

Note : GV small gang => people who always hang around at the smoking area, they might also call it SA, whether got session or not, they also hack care, they also invented one new rule, according to them, smoke first then top up or cleaning things. Always there to gossip and create more and more trouble.

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